Short Story: The Truth About spending time
Happy Summer!! With the 4th of July now behind us already, here we are cooking through the days already… Man, where does the time go? Didn’t we just celebrate the New Year?? Is it me, or does it really seem like time moves faster and faster? Only occasion I know the clock didn’t seem to move was when I was in school counting down ‘til Summer vacation!
As a spouse and parent of 3 beautiful kids and an owner of a business as well as trying to donate time as a volunteer fireman and baseball coach, I know time is limited.
There is just never enough of it, is there?!? Always seems to be more things that need to be done than time to do them in. Funny, it’s one of the reasons I don’t often wear a watch, is that I don’t want to be reminded of how quickly time goes, or be stressed seeing what time it is and realizing how much is yet to be done.
That said, all this reminds me of a phrase that I heard once (cannot give credit as don’t know where it came from) but it goes something like “…no one on their deathbed wishes that they had less time!” Read: be careful where you spend your time!
So to today’s question – as we all know that the key to our future is hidden in our daily routines and activities… How are You Spending Your Time?
I know our clients are also busy and successful folks in their personal and business lives, and I’m sure, like me, wish that there was just more time. Running an successful organization (and life) is a “part-time” job (if by part-time you mean 12 hours a day!).
We know that most folks we serve are just like us – too many things to do and not enough time to do them in. Hence, you have to trust that the folks you work with are experts and understand the innermost nuances of retirement plans.
At magii pension, retirement plans are what we do. Period.
Ask yourself would you go to a restaurant that is not busy? Or to a doctor to perform surgery, that has only done the procedure a few times (if at all)? At magii pension, work with clients on hundreds of plans per year, from shopping them for price, to optimizing design and taking the maximum liability off the table.
We do this to help our clients spend more of their time on what matters most to them. It’s time leverage at its finest! To our many friends in the armed services, they would recognize the phrase as “force-multiplier”. This is a huge advantage in life and in business!
So I’ll sign off on this post as saying stay humble, stay focused and stay well – until we chat again.
Mark A. Gajowski II